Tooth loss is a common occurrence in mankind and it can affect the health of the human being as
well. There are several treatment modalities available for restoring missing teeth, however dental
implants are considered a better available treatment in the paradigm shift from traditional dental
therapies such as fixed dental bridges and removable dentures. This treatment modality is based
on “Osseointegration” i.e., Direct bone implant contact” which possess some inevitable problems
such as masticatory force concentration and immobility of dental implants. Prof PI Branemark
coined the term “Osseoperception” and described it as the capability of osseointegrated titanium
implants to transmit certain sensibility. The absence of periodontal ligaments and Ruffini-like
endings around implants is responsible for the decrease in osseoperception of dental implants.
So in the past three decades several successful experiments have been conducted regarding
“Biohybrid implants”. The undifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells which are capable of
differentiating into cementum, bone, PDL are attached to implant surface. This will enhance
their function to simulate normal tooth physiology and proprioception. This would revolutionize
the implant dentistry and will be favoured by the patient as well.
Dr. Shari S.R, Senior Resident,
Government Dental College, Thiruvananthapuram.