JPID - Vol 06 - Issue 03

Quiz 9

* Arya Sudarsanan
* Prosthodontist

  1. A patient comes to the clinic with symptoms of pain, clicking and discomfort of TMJ. The patient is a complete denture wearer. The denture should be checked for
    1. Improper centric relation
    2. Increased vertical dimension
    3. Decreased vertical dimensionDecreased vertical dimension
    4. Very large denture base coverage

  2. Salts of Gontrez is a type of:
    1. Etchant
    2. Denture adhesive
    3. Accelerator
    4. Flux

  3. Jiffy denture is a type of:
    1. Interim immediate denture
    2. Conventional complete denture
    3. Fixed partial denture
    4. Cast partial denture

  4. Most common complaint of patient with auricular defect having implant retained prosthesis is:
    1. Low retention
    2. Low support
    3. Less stability
    4. Difficulty in hygiene maintainence

  5. Witch chin is seen in:
    1. Prognathic mandible
    2. During harvesting of bone from symphysis
    3. More vertical dimension of occlusion
    4. Horizontal mandibular ridge advancement

  6. In a molar, for better access to the furcation area, following procedure is carried out during abutment preparation:
    1. Skyfurcation
    2. Bicuspidization
    3. Fluting
    4. Tunnelling

  7. Darby Perry Trimmer No 6 is:
    1. A metal trimmer
    2. A wax burnisher
    3. Used for cutting sprues
    4. Used for acrylic trimming

  8. Patient complaints of frequent maxillary denture fracture. On evaluation, articulator shows occlusal discrepancy, what can be the actual cause?
    1. Lack of mucosal resiliency in hard palate
    2. Poor denture base material flexural properties
    3. Improper extension of maxillary denture
    4. Poor retention

  9. Arrange the following VITA guide from lighter to darker shade
    1. A1A2B1B2
    2. A1B1C1D1
    3. B1A1B2A2
    4. B1A1A2D2

  10. Which among these is a non rigid connector?
    1. Dovetail
    2. Split pontic
    3. Tapered pin
    4. Dowel pin


  1. b
  2. b
  3. a
  4. d
  5. b
  6. c
  7. b
  8. a
  9. c
  10. b

JPID – The journal of Prosthetic and Implant Dentistry / Volume 6 Issue 3 / May–Aug 2023

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