JPID - Vol 06 - Issue 02

Quiz 8

*Arya Sudarsanan
* Prosthodontist

  1. Which muscle plays a role in buccinator mechanism?
    1. Palatoglossus
    2. Superior constrictor
    3. Middle constrictor
    4. Inferior constrictor

  2. Carborundum stripping technique is used to adjusting the occlusion of which type of tooth?
    1. Anatomic teeth
    2. Semianatomic teeth
    3. Non anatomic teeth
    4. Combination of semianatomic and non anatomic teeth

  3. Which is the accurate method of recording centric relation?
    1. Static
    2. Functional
    3. Graphic
    4. Interocclusal check records

  4. Velar sounds (k, g, ng) are used to check
    1. Vertical dimension of occlusion
    2. Interference in palatal thickness
    3. Freeway space
    4. Have no effect on denture

  5. Skyfurcation is seen in
    1. Maxillary premolars
    2. Mandibular premolars
    3. Maxillary molars
    4. Mandibular molars

  6. Who argued that any damage to the odontoblastic processes would adversely affect the cell nucleus at the dentin pulp interface?
    1. Dowden
    2. Belser
    3. Felton
    4. Dodge

  7. Which may be the best option for porcelain laminate veneer preparations?
    1. Beveled margin
    2. Chamfer margin
    3. Feather edge
    4. Beveled shoulder

  8. Angle of insertion of Mini–implant is
    1. 15-30 degrees
    2. 45-60 degrees
    3. 10-15 degrees
    4. 60-70 degrees

  9. Most common non rigid connector is
    1. Loop connector
    2. Tenon mortise
    3. Split pontic
    4. Cross pin and wing

  10. Funnel shaped perforations through wing like retainers to enhance resin restoration is
    1. Maryland bridge
    2. Rochette bridge
    3. Virginia bridge
    4. None of the above


  1. a
  2. c
  3. c
  4. d
  5. c
  6. a
  7. c
  8. d
  9. b
  10. b

JPID – The journal of Prosthetic and Implant Dentistry / Volume 6 Issue 2 / Jan–Apr 2023

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