JPID - Vol 02 - Issue 03


Prof. (Dr.) George P. John 


Prosthodontics is Transforming. Are You?

Curious to know what the layman would see if the term “Prosthodontics” was keyed on Google, I was rather not surprised to find that its definition was vastly simpler from what we as Professionals are largely sensitized to.

Both of them portray an empowering sentiment seldom seen attributed to most health care specialties, which is, “dealing with the replacement of what is missing or deficient.” The vision evoked in this statement is tremendous and does enthuse one with a mission to fulfill the pressing demand for what is void.

A resounding thought which does leave one with an overwhelming sense of responsibility on the defining role a Prosthodontist has to play in the human lives ‘they touch.’ Touch is the keyword in the context of our specialty and is alarmingly the one that is facing certain extinction from our professional vocabulary.

Food for thought as we embrace technology in ways beyond our imagination.

Innovation in Technology is here to stay. Going Digital will have a lasting impact on the way we address rehabilitation through replacement. It will redefine our treatment philosophy for the immense benefit of our patients.

Though the words Digital and Touch reflect similar intent, the latter would always remain rightfully a part of the human domain. The greater gain of this evolution lies in tapping the best of both worlds wherein lies the true potential for this revolution to thrive.

Artificial intelligence, Virtual reality and Robotics could add a new dimension in our pursuit towards treatment predictability, accuracy and objectivity. Ongoing Research cites exponential progress in the fields of Nanotechnology, Artificial intelligence and Computation which could lead to the development of a “Human Brain / Cloud Interface (B/ CI)”. This century could well witness the establishment of a real time connect between the human brain and cloud-computing networks. The possibilities are endless if this proposition were to come true in terms of the Matrix-style instant access we could garner from the available spectrum of world knowledge, simply by applying thought to a specific area.

This apart, the optimal health care needs of a patient can never be constrained to a linear mechanical process. Creativity and empathy have a crucial part to play in its eventual outcome. What really matters in our quest for the best is that the final call should remain with the Doctor. I reiterate, no creation of man can ever replace the gift of healing granted by the Creator. That skill is best kept human always, without a reason for doubt on its merit.

Let us welcome change with the largesse of the human mind without giving the slimmest opportunity for the heart to lose its profound value when we embark on recreating beauty from what is lost in the souls we are immensely blessed to ‘extravagantly touch’.

Prof. (Dr.) George P. John

JPID – The journal of Prosthetic and Implant Dentistry / Volume 2 Issue 3 / May–August 2019

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